ADVENTURES OF THE HEART is a collection of short stories that take your heart on adventures into the human psyche. Allow your imagination to be sucked into the worlds of a crime reporter finding out the big story isn’t what he wants to hear, a winking, wild and crazy smiley face that means love, and two brothers discovering Utah it’s in this realm.





try your best to keep up with ten-year-old Michael as he convinces his older brother, Trevor, to say, ” Abba dee rope-pa.” Be careful what you say. The front doorbell rings and the brothers open the door to somewhere else. Michael sprints into this new world in search of the Magma. Trevor must decide to run after and protect his little brother or walk back into the house and shut the door.


Billy Jensen, Crime Reporter

Sit down in the dusty, smoldering Cadillac Diner next to the famous crime reporter, Jensen, as he interviews a man suspected of being a serial killer. Jensen tries desperately to control the conversation but finds himself manipulated and toyed with. Jensen thought he was going to get the reporting story of his career. In the end, the story he got messed with his head, his heart, and the very foundations of his life.


The Smiley Face Stayed

Step into the middle of the, long awaited, newly decorated living room with sixteen-year-old Trish and her mom. Bright yellow paint is dripping off the new lamp and puddling onto the brand-new carpet. Trish is in deep trouble, but she’s still going to try to get out of it. Hearts pound, blood pressure rises, and paint drips. The outcome could go any which way.



Billy Jensen, Crime Reporter” was a challenge for me. I kept seeing these amazing images in my head but couldn’t quite tell what was happening. Upon really discovering what happened all those years before, I myself was in awe of the ending. – Crystal Flower

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Open book with a fresh, red flower in it


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Developmental Editor / Story Consultant / Writing Coach

You want to write a book. You’ve got notes, scribbles, and a great imagination, but something’s just not working.