Crystal Flower


Frequently Asked Questions

Storyteller Haven is COMING SOON!


* How can I connect with you?

Currently, emailing is best. Please state your request clearly. We will try to get back to you as soon as my writing session is done.

Contact Crystal.

For aspiring writers and creatives, please go to Storyteller Haven and have fun exploring. Some answers may be found here. (COMING SOON!)

You can also sign up at Storyteller Haven to get inspiration, tips, and updates.

Writing – Storyteller

* Why did you become a writer?

When I look at people, I want to see them, to know them, to understand them. I wasn’t always this way, but when I stopped and looked around me, I realized that people fascinated me. I want to help them, encourage them, cause them to rise up and be who they were created to be.

* Where do you get your ideas from?

Usually three ways.

1) “Live Life and Pay Attention.” Crystal Flower

I try to be alert and pay attention to what’s going on around me. Sometimes, I purposely go out into the world just to be around people and see what’s happening.

2) Do an imagination session.

Sometimes, I’m not so good at the alert because I’m in my own world already creating another world of characters, etc. or I’m just needing a brain break. To keep my brain alert to new ideas, I try to do 15-45 minute creative sessions 5-6 days a week.

-I take a blank piece of paper surrounded by color pencils and fun stuff and I sit quietly. I jump into action when the first idea pops into my head. If it’s a picture, I draw it. If it’s dialogue, I start writing. The page usually ends up looking like a brainstorming page with sketches, dialogue and stick figures racing across the page.

-or I set the timer for 15-45 min and free write as fast as I can.

NOTE: Once your brain gets in the habit of looking for ideas, you can probably do less sessions, but why would you want to? It’s a fun addiction! 😄

3) Go play with kids.

Be a part of their adventure in the backyard, a box, a tent made of blankets and pillows. Work together to solve problems on your adventure. I have never gotten an idea directly from this, but it has helped my mind get into creating and imagination mode.

* Can you help me with some of my ideas?

Generally speaking, I do not accept or help other writers with their story ideas due to legal implications.

If you are interested in my Developmental Editor, Story Consultant, or Coaching services, you can check out my services page.

Possible solutions:

1) Go to Storyteller Haven for lots of tips, How To’s, problems solving, writing prompts, imagination exercises, etc. It is continually growing. Sign up for the latest posts. Write in the comments section and get feedback from other writers. Maybe join one or two more online blogs or communities to keep connected with other writers. That being said, always be careful how much of your story idea you share with strangers. Professional writers talk story and get feedback from others that they trust.

2) Find either local, online writing groups, or other writing friends that can encourage you in your writing and give you noteworthy feedback. If you want to grow in your writing skills, look for a writing group that will give you polite, but real, feedback. Hear what they have to say. You, as a writer, have final choice as to whether you use their feedback in your writing. If you hear the same feedback multiple times, it might be something worth taking note and fixing.

3) If you’re stuck, step back from your story, pull out a blank piece of paper and starting sketching or free writing some other part of your story. Stick figures work. Add color. Do something to get your brain in a different state. A totally different idea might pop up that solves a totally different problem which them solves your current dilemma.

* How can I join your weekly writing prompt?

* What should I be studying to make great stories?

Study the foundations of storytelling, structure – yes, structure, character investigation and development, world building, and the emotional audience / story connection. You can have a great story idea but if you can’t get it into a format in which the audience can be sucked in and lost in it for the time it takes to tell your story, you have nothing.

* What is one of the things you continually study to make your stories better?

People. (Yes, study the foundations upon which stories are built. Structure, Character Development, World, Building, etc. – Do NOT neglect continually getting better at these things.)

Study people. Why did they just do that? Sometimes people don’t make any sense whatsoever, but in their minds, they had a perfectly good reason for doing what they did. Understanding and honoring people will help you to see each individual for who they are. This will help you to create characters that are more relatable, problems that are bigger, and the overcoming human spirit that is bigger than any villain.

* Do you have any tips for me?

You can see my tips and other writers by going to Storyteller Haven. I post everything from my creative process, to tips, creative events, etc. I post what I’m going through at the moment. I try to post things that will be inciteful or encouraging to other storytellers and fans. And sometimes I post just for fun.

* Do you teach any courses or seminars?

This has been requested before. I am taking this into serious consideration. For right now you can go to Storyteller Haven for many of my tips, how to’s, etc. and join the email list to get the latest updates.


* Which do you like better, writing books or writing screenplays?

I love them both. Both are telling stories, that suck the audience in and help them to get lost in another world being somebody they normally wouldn’t be. I am a very visual, well-paced storyteller. As a storyteller, you make decisions on how much to show, how to show it, and when, no matter which format you use.

I actually see the stories in film format in my head. A good share of my notes are in screenplay lingo, scribbles and sketches. I then translate my notes into whatever format I need when it’s time to write.

* How do I get permission to make a film using one of your short stories?

You can ask by contacting us.

Author Crystal Flower smiling in a white top with black glasses

Meet the Creator!

Crystal Flower can’t stop creating fascinating stories.